Holy Fuck
A tantric sex poem

The scent of coconut fills the air
as I crack the jar.
The oil emulsifies with my warm hands
as I anoint your body.
I tell you to have faith,
surrender your burden
to this bed of feather and down.
I pray that you fully let go.
I lay my hands upon your feet
as if I were Mary Magdalene.
I feel sinew, bone and muscle,
calf and thigh give in to the firm pressure of my palm
as it palpates towards your manhood above.
Gently cradling and massaging
what hangs below and between
with one hand while
the other glides firmly and slowly
in an upward stroke
with each deep exhalation.
Our breaths steady and slow,
in sync,
as if we share the same lungs.
I let you rise and linger in the moment
of this sexual energy built.
This is your time
and I want you to feel pleasure deep within your loins
while it cracks your chest wide open.
On round two
you are now edging
on the seat of your power.
I feel your body open to receiving
and give in
to trust.
Upon the final arousal
I give you a choice.
Shall I complete
Your answer is given in your stillness.
You consent and are willingly at my mercy.
I apply my blessing now thrice,
I witness your rise to full glory
as the kingdom comes.